Congratulations to all awarded authors
and many thanks to all participants and supporters of the PAF Tachov Festival.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 47th PAF Tachov which will take place on April 5th 2025.

Participation fee - 40 EUR

Each author shall pay a one partipcient´s fee regardless of the quantity of competition works and categories in which he/she is participating. No participant's fee is charged for the category Children's artwork. Participant's fee is possible to pay by PAYPAL or by bank transaction.
Proceeds from fees are used for prizes of competitors and for realization of festival’s traveling exhibition.
If the fee is not paid, the work shall be neither assessed nor presented. The participant‘s fee must be paid by deadline.


Payment by credit card.


Payment transfer.
Account No. for foreign participants:

Beneficiary: Klub sportovniho potapeni Tachov  (The Diving Club Tachov)
IBAN: CZ7401000000002682260297
Komercni banka a.s., Hornicka 1786, 34701 Tachov, Czech republic.